
Online Buying and Selling

How to Sell Online?

With a Website

E-commerce websites, like Shopify, Magento and WooCommerce, enable to sell online. They provide tools for creating online stores, managing inventory, processing payments, and facilitating online marketing.

  • Product Listing and Presentation

    Create an appealing product catalog featuring high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and transparent pricing information to fully engage and inform potential customers.

  • Secure Payment Processing

    Implement reliable payment gateways to ensure safe and convenient transactions, assuring customers of their financial data's security.

  • Inventory Management

    Keep track of stock levels, consistently update product availability, and provide accurate delivery estimates to effectively manage customer expectations.

  • Online Marketing and SEO

    Optimize your website for search engines and effectively utilize online marketing techniques like social media, email, paid advertising, and SEO to attract and retain customers.

Online Marketplace

Online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Alibaba facilitate multiple sellers by centralizing product listings, connecting them to a vast existing customer base for broader reach and sales opportunities.

  • Product Listings and Optimization

    Create compelling product listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions, incorporating relevant keywords and optimizing for marketplace algorithms.

  • Competitive Pricing and Fulfillment

    Set competitive prices and choose efficient fulfillment options to attract customers while meeting their delivery expectations.

  • Customer Service and Ratings

    Provide excellent customer service, promptly address inquiries and issues, and encourage positive ratings and reviews to build trust and reputation.

  • Marketing and Promotions

    Utilize marketplace advertising, discounts, and promotions to increase visibility, attract new customers, and maintain sales growth within the online marketplace.

Social Media Selling

Businesses can leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to set up shops and directly sell products. Customers can easily browse, purchase, and engage with the brand on these platforms.

  • Social Media Shop Setup

    Create a user-friendly shop interface on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Pinterest to display products and facilitate easy browsing.

  • Engaging Content and Visuals

    Share compelling content, images, and videos to captivate your audience, showcasing products and encouraging interaction.

  • Seamless Experience

    Implement shopping features, enabling customers to make purchases without leaving the social platform, simplifying the buying.

  • Customer Engagement

    Actively engage with followers, promptly respond to inquiries, and provide customer support through comments, direct messages, and live chat, fostering brand loyalty and trust.

Maximize your digital potential in Canada with e-commerce website development and marketing by Digigo Agency comprehensive online selling services. We streamline the process, so you can focus on what you do best — running your business. Join hands with us to thrive in the ever-evolving online marketplace.

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